IRS Back Tax Relief

A tax attorney for San Antonio can help you get the IRS off of your back for good with back tax relief.

There are several different ways to get IRS back tax relief. The most popular is the Offer in Compromise.

Check out the four steps of a successful IRS Offer in Compromise below to understand the process.

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Tell Me More about IRS back tax relief.

If there is one thing I do a lot of as a tax attorney for San Antonio, Texas, it is submitting IRS tax relief.

As a tax attorney for San Antonio, I tell my clients that there are basically three ways to get IRS tax debt relief.

(1) Offer in Compromise (your tax attorney for San Antonio, TX does a lot of these)

The first option for IRS tax debt relief is an Offer in Compromise (this is also called the Fresh Start program). This is the classic tax settlement, where you settle your IRS back taxes for a fraction of what you owe. This is the longest and most complicated process to resolve your back taxes.

An IRS Offer in Compromise is determined by your income and assets. Typically, if you have lower income and lower assets, you would want to do an IRS Offer in Compromise. You certainly get the most bang for your buck. Our IRS tax attorney always evaluates clients for this IRS tax debt relief option.

(2) Installment Agreements

Not as exciting as an OIC, but these are typically super fast to set up. If you are mid to high income, or, you have higher assets, an installment agreement is likely for you.

They typically set up within 30-60 days and the payment can come out of your checking account automatically with a Direct Debit installment agreement. A tax attorney for San Antonio can also work with the IRS to prevent a tax lien from being filed as a condition of the installment agreement.

Many times, my tax audit clients end up owing. Even after a successful tax audit (we minimize what they owe). An installment agreement is a great short-term solution for them.

(1) Financial Hardship

This IRS tax debt relief was meant to be a temporary fix, but many clients find this to be a good solution. If you are under an IRS financial hardship, the IRS will agree to close your collection case while you are under that hardship.

This is a great IRS tax debt relief to get the IRS off your back, even if temporary.

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Get an IRS Fresh Start with an IRS Tax Attorney Today!

If you are ready to have a Tax Attorney for San Antonio, TX look at your case to see if you qualify for IRS tax debt relief, click here to get the process started today. Or call us directly for a free consultation at 330-331-7611


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